Reserve Bingo
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I don’t know if anybody has played reverse bingo before, but I do know that it was an original brainstorm for me. I wanted the students to be more fully engaged in the game, than in a regular bingo game. A regular game is too passive. Students are only practicing the few items called before the game ends. With reverse bingo the students practice all of the facts (skills) before the game begins.
Each student needs a set of answers. In my sets there are always 2 left over cards. This keeps the kids from just putting the one that’s left done with no thinking involved. Students could do this step as part of a center or group time activity. Those who finish and have it ready will be able to play Reverse Bingo at game time. This gives them an incentive to get the work done on time.
To play the teacher (or caller) chooses an answer card and calls the number. The students remove that number from their cards. At times there are 2 of the same number (18, 24, 36 in this game) and the students can apply some strategic thinking in removing only one of them. At times they may not have the number so none are removed.
When the card is removed, students say the whole number sentence aloud reading from their fact below the card and adding the answer. Their shoulder partner or team must agree on each students number sentence or the (ladybug) card is put back. When a student has five empty spaces in a row, then a (reverse) bingo is called.
Reverse Bingo
In my math sets and in my homophone set, I made the first 4 cards in the set easier. The math sets have many patterns that can help the student. The homophone set has the two homophones together. (I allow students to switch if they discover they had an error, but not uncover the one that was the error.) Having this extra support allows for differentiation.
There are 25 different cards in each set. The student answer cards print two to a page, plus there is a set of cards for the caller. Each product comes with a complete set in color and a complete set in black and white.
Reverse Bingo Games How To Play
The multiplication sets are available as a bundle in either color or black and white. The bundle includes all 4 multiplication games and is 25% cheaper than the games separately.